Monday, November 12, 2007

Feeling Foggy....

What a beautiful morning!

It started out that way, as I left home with clear skies above and a positive attitude about beginning a new work week.

I reached up to lock the door and the key stuck in the lock, coffee swished-swashed from one side of the cup to the other and then SPLAT! Coffee everywhere. Suddenly the promise of the day landed with a thud... splattering on clothes and porch.

Clean up... move on...start again.

What a beautiful morning!
Starting out to be a beautiful day. Clear skies above and a positive attitude about beginning a new work week.

I reached up to lock the door and the key slid out with no problem. Walked out to the car, unlocked the door and slid in the driver's seat.

Drove two blocks south - turn - drive east and before me a blanket of fog. Not just a light London fog, but a thick choking blinding fog. The fog crossed the valley in a thin strip running north and south forming a narrow band of cotton. Blip! Blip! Fog gone! Just that fast. Keep moving forward as the week like the fog will be here and gone in a minute.

How was your day?


Jamie Michele said...

wonderfully work today:) hoping the rest of the week flies by!

M said...

It was great. I had an amazingly lazy day and enjoyed my day off. Played video games with Adam all day. :)

Autumn said...

Gee, you guys, it sounds like you had a wonderful day. My day off will be next Monday. Katy is coming on Friday so I am taking a personal day to make it a three-day weekend. I am looking forward to a restful day.