Friday, June 19, 2009

Native Plants for Intermountain Landscapes

Intermountain Native Plant Grower's Association
"Utah's Choice"

Plants for Shady Spots
Golden Currant
Maple Mallow
Sticky Geranium
Whipple Penstemon
Creeping Oregon Grape

Drought-hardy shrubs provide year-round interest
Apache Plume
Oakleaf Sumac
Utah Serviceberry
Green Mormon Tea
Littleleaf Mockorange
Mountain Big Sagebrush

Ornamental grasses add texture and structure
Alkali Sacaton Grass
Indian Ricegrass
Little Bluestem
Blue Grama

Low-water-use perennials in a rainbow of colors
Gooseberryleaf Globemallow
Firecracker Penstemon
Desert Four O'Clock
Wasatch Penstemon
Palmer Penstemon
Indian Paintbrush
Utah Sweetvetch
Little Beebalm

Low-growing plants for sunny city strips
Fragrant Evening Primrose
Sulfurflower Buckwheat
Sundancer Daisy
Showy Sandwort
Utah Penstemon
Utah Ladyfinger
Dwart Yucca
Desert Sage

Water-wise native trees - ideal for home landscapes
White Fir
Pinyon Pine
Gambel Oak
Bigtooth Maple
Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany

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