Thursday, June 18, 2009

Home Decorating

Oh, to decorate like Mother Nature......

I admire people who can decorate with style. Looking through magazines and watching HGTV presents lots of how-to ideas. The ideas motivate me into action. Yesterday I bought a curtain rod that spans my living room window. It measures over 70 inches. I nailed the hinges 4 inches above the frame and 4 inches to the right/left of the frame. Did I mention I am not too handy with tools? I love trying to do things like this. So, gather the tools grab the kitchen chair to stand on and away we go. I measured, drilled the holes, input the plugs, inserted screws into brackets and placed the rods on the brackets. Voila! Round two is buying curtains. Today I will venture out and look for a sale. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

JAllgood said...

Good Luck Gal! I'm someitmes so glad that I rent and don't have to worry about stuff like that. The trade off is I get REALLY tired of the white walls. Hope you find a really good sale!